Thursday, August 04, 2005


The worst part for Bamps is the thrush. His is particularly hard to treat, and it rapidly spread from his mouth it spread into his esophagus and lungs. While he's on both an oral medication and is using a mouthwash, it seems to be very resistant to treatment. He's been losing weight because chewing is so painful. He's eating lots of ice cream as a result, especially chocolate, so he managed to find an upside to all of this! He has given up on Snickers for the time being - it's just too hard for his to chew.

While he's always been on the slender side (despite his daily chocolate binges) his weight loss is extremely noticable now. When he was weighed before leaving the hospital he was around 120 pounds, which for a medium built man who stands about 5'7" is underweight. Dr. S. said as long as Bamps' blood sugar is normal, he can eat anything he wants.

Friends have started to drop by for visits. Many of them are really shocked at his appearance, especially the ones who have known him for over fifty years. One good thing is that his mind seems to be completely unaffected, and his mood is as optimistic as ever.

I, on the other hand, am completely terrified. And we have yet to tell my mother about all the specifics of Bamps' condition. He wants to wait until we know something "definite" so she doesn't worry. I think we are beyond that point though and just have to deal with things as they come.

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